Generate Green Energy
During the biodegradation process, LFG is generated. Vast amounts of LFG are being collected by landfills across the World. This produces a clean, free, energy source solution

Keep product quality the same
Does not affect the look, properties or shelf life of any product containing additive ETL masterbatches do not affect the look, physical properties or shelf life of any product these are added to Does not affect the look, properties or shelf life of any product containing additive

Enhances Biodegradation
ETL masterbatches enhance the biodegradation rates of a plastic product containing the additive and this is fully supported by accredited third party laboratory testing (results available)

Compared with other solutions, ETL provides a low cost and effective solution

The addition of the ETL additive does not affect the recyclability of any product

Ease of use
During the manufacturing process of any polymer-based material, no alteration to machinery is required